Alumni Placement Record
Das IfW Kiel als Karrieresprungbrett
Nach einer erfolgreichen Promotion oder nach einigen Jahren als Postdoc am IfW Kiel wechseln viele Forscherinnen und Forscher im nächsten Karriereschritt an Universitäten, zu Ministerien, internationalen Organisationen und in die Privatwirtschaft. Eine Auswahl:
NAME, First Name | Period at Kiel Institute | 1st Placement (position, institution, place) |
ADEMMER, Esther | 2013 - 2019 | Division Manager, BfA (Bundesagentur für Arbeit), Nürnberg, Germany |
AHRENS, Steffen | 2008 - 2015 | Assistant Professor, Macroeconomics, TU (Technische Universität), Berlin, Germany |
BECKER, Malte | 2021 - 2024 | Post Doc, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health |
BEDNARZ, Lena-Katharina | 2014 - 2024 | na |
BERTRAM, Christine | 2009 - 2021 | Product Manager, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany |
BÖHME, Markus | 2010 - 2014 | Economist, OECD, Paris, France |
BOMPREZZI, Pietro | 2023 - 2024 | Postdoctoral researcher, Institute for Macroeconomics, Leibniz University Hanover, Germany |
BOSWORTH, Steven | 2013 - 2018 | Lecturer and Junior professor, University of Reading, UK |
BRAUN, Carola | 2012 - 2016 | Lecturer, University of St. Andrews, UK |
BRAUN, Sebastian Till | 2012 - 2016 | Lecturer, University of St. Andrews, UK |
CARSTENSEN, Kai | 2002 - 2007 | Professor of Economics, LMU (Ludwig Maximilians University), Munich, Germany |
CHRISTENSEN, Björn | 2000 - 2005 | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, analytix GmbH and meteolytix GmbH, Kiel, Germany |
DEKE, Oliver | 1999 - 2005 | Scientific Adviser, WBGU (Scientific Advisory Board for Global Environmental Change), Berlin, Germany |
DELZEIT, Ruth | 2010 - 2020 | Professorship, University of Basel, Switzerland |
DOVERN, Jonas | 2005 - 2008 | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, IfW, Kiel, Germany |
FIEDLER, Salomon | 2015 - 2021 | Economist, Berenberg Bank, London, UK |
FUCHS, Andreas | 2018 - 2023 | Prof. for Development Economics, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany |
GOTTSCHALK, Jan | 1998 - 2001 | Senior Economist, IMF (International Monetary Fund), Washington, USA |
HAMMERMANN, Felix | 2002 - 2007 | Senior Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Germany |
HEIDLAND, Tobias | 2011 - 2020 | Professor, CAU Kiel, Germany |
HENKE, Jan-Michael | 2002 - 2006 | Managing Director, GRAS (Global Risk Assessment Services), Cologne, Germany |
HORN, Sebastian | 2019 - 2021 | Economist, Research Department, The World Bank |
HÜNNEKES, Franziska | 2018 - 2019 | Graduate Program in Economics, EZB (European Central Bank), Munich, Germany |
KINCAIDE, Laura | 2018 - 2019 | Research Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA |
KLEEMANN, Linda | 2013 - 2020 | Consultant, GFA Consulting Group, Hamburg, Germany |
MULYUKOVA, Alina | 2020 - 2025 | Göttingen University |
MUNDHENKE, Thomas | 2000 - 2006 | Head of Unit, BITKOM (Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunication and New Media e.V.), Berlin, Germany |
PIEPER, Sebastian | 2008 - 2014 | Post Doc, DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin, Germany |
RING, Patrick | 2013 - 2019 | Data Scientist, ARAG Krankenversicherungs-AG (Health Insurance), Munich, Germany |
SCHÜNEMANN, Franziska | 2016 - 2020 | Tenure Track Professor, University Hohenheim, Germany |
SCHWÖRER, Tillmann | 2009 - 2015 | Data Scientist, mobilcom-debitel GmbH, Germany |
SPATZ, Julius | 2000 - 2004 | Project Leader, GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation), Bonn, Germany |
SONNENBERG, Nils | 2021 - 2024 | Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank, Germany |
STAMER, Vincent | 2020 - 2023 | Economist, Commerzbank, Frankfurt, Germany |
STEPANOK, Ignat | 2011 - 2015 | Economist, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung Nürnberg (Institute for Employment Research), Germany |
VAN ROYE, Björn | 2007 - 2015 | Directorate General for International Policy and European Relations, External Developments Division, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany |