Joint Conference Kiel Institute and CEPR

3rd Kiel-CEPR Conference on Geoeconomics

17 - 18 Okt 2024
10115 Berlin
BMWK, Scharnhorststraße 34-37
Nur auf Einladung

Geopolitical tensions are growing, and economic policy decisions are increasingly dictated by geoeconomic considerations. Despite these major developments, however, rigorous research on the link between economics and geopolitics remains scarce. To foster cutting-edge research on geoeconomics, CEPR and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy have launched a joint Research Policy Network (RPN) on the topic and co-organize an annual conference.

Our Geoeconomics conference is now in its 3rd year and has become a premier event on the topic (see the 2023 and 2022 program.) Our goal is to bring together the world's leading researchers working on Geoeconomics, broadly defined. We will cut across fields, thus including research in international trade, international finance and macroeconomics, finance, political economy, economic history, or international relations. In 2024, the conference will be co-hosted by and take place at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The event is further supported by the CEPR RPN on Geoeconomics, the CEPR RPN on International Lending and Sovereign Debt, Bocconi University (IEP), and SciencesPo.

The list of academic speakers for 2024 will include, among others Laura Alfaro (Harvard), Adrien Bilal (Harvard), Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (IMF and Berkeley, tbc), Oleg Itskhoki (UCLA, tbc), Beata Javorcik (Oxford), Ernest Liu (Princeton, tbc), Massimo Morelli (Bocconi, tbc), Helene Rey (LBS), Jesse Schreger (Columbia), Diana van Patten (Yale), Emil Verner (MIT), and Christian Wolf (MIT).