2022 Forum on Globalization and Industrialization
Sustainable Supply Chains in Times of Multiple Crises
The Forum on Globalization and Industrialization (FGI), which has been a UNIDO flagship event since 2016, is jointly organized with the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and the Kiel Centre for Globalization. Yearly, it has been bringing together policymakers, representatives of international organizations, academia, and practitioners from the private sector.

The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) joined the consortium in 2021, driving a stronger focus in the Forum on sustainability in global supply chains with generous funding from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ) through the “Research Network Sustainable Supply Chains”. This year’s 2022 edition is organized under the theme “Sustainable Supply Chains in Times of Multiple Crises”, reinforcing collaboration between UNIDO and these three German institutes.
This year’s edition of the Forum brings together key stakeholders from policy and representatives from the private sector, academia and civil society to discuss sustainability in light of the energy crisis, changes in the global economic landscape and heterogeneity in global trade regulation which governs sustainability-related issues.
More informatiion can be found on the UNIDO page.