Workshop in Berlin
Kiel-CEPR European Defence Economics Initiative
Europe’s security is at risk. Recent events have made it clear that Europe will have to rely more on itself in matters of defence and security. Time is running short. Europe will have to quickly build the capabilities needed to defend itself and step up support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom. As before at critical junctures for war and peace, economists have an important role to play. Pressing questions concern the financing of joint European projects, a rapid increase of defence-industrial capacity, as well as developing high-tech defence technologies.
The joint CEPR-Kiel European Defence Economics Initiative aims to build a network to support European policy makers at this critical juncture with economic advice. With this workshop, we want to build the intellectual infrastructure to address Europe’s security challenges and discuss forms of future cooperation.
The workshop program includes
Presentations and talks on
- Optimal Fiscal Policy under Endogenous Disaster Risk
- The Military Multiplier
- Guns and Growth: The Economic Consequences of Defense Buildups
- Conflict’s Spatial Echo: Economic Development in the Shadow of War
- Consumer of Last Resort: Government procurement, firm-level evidence and the macroeconomy
- Military to Civilian Tech Spillovers
Policy sessions on
- The European Defence Industry, including topics such as the effects of a US withdrawal from Europe, security investments and innovation, challenges for the defence industry, and the performance of European countries in increasing their military spending and capabilities
- Military procurement, including a country comparison of the UK, Ukraine, USA, and Germany
Event attendance by invitation only.
Ethan Ilzetzki (LSE, CEPR)
Moritz Schularick (Kiel Institute, SciencesPo, CEPR)
Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institute, Kiel University, CEPR)
Beatrice Weder di Mauro (CEPR, Geneva Graduate Institute)