Wirtschaftspolitischer Beitrag
Growth and Jobs by Investing in Sustainable Special Economic Zones
Achieving environmentally and socially sustainable economic growth is a major challenge faced by the G20 countries. One avenue to achieve growth (but potentially disregarding environmental and social sustainability) is written down in the Antalya Action Plan that was ratified by the G20 Heads of State in 2015: “Boosting quality investment, especially in infrastructure, is a top priority for the G20, in an environment of investment and infrastructure shortfalls.” The text says further that infrastructure investment should help lift medium-term growth, reduce inequalities and improve productivity. Yet, it remains open what types of infrastructure investment are meant to be done. What should be considered quality investment? How can it reduce inequalities? Can we make sure that the investments are sustainable in the sense of environmental and social sustainability? And how can environmental and social sustainability be ensured in world where value chains are globalized?