Journal Article

Neighborhood Europeanization through ENP - the Case of Ukraine


  • Schweickert
  • R.
  • Melnykovska
  • I.
  • Gawrich
  • A.

This study has been prepared within the framework of the ENEPO project (EU

Eastern Neighborhood: Economic Potential and Future Development) coordinated

by CASE, financed within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European

Commission. The study summarizes the results of the Workpackage 10 on “The

Priority Areas of Institutional Harmonization and the “Institutional Gap”” carried

out by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. The content of this publication is

the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the

views of the European Union, CASE, Kiel Institute for the World Economy or

other institutions the authors may be affiliated to

Experte IfW Kiel



  • Europäische Integration