Kiel Institute from above


Facts about the Institute

The Kiel Institute is an independent foundation under public law of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein.

As such it is basically funded by the German Federal Government and the state of Schleswig-Holstein.

The Board of Governors advises and decides on financial and fundamental matters concerning the Kiel Institute. Head of the Board is the acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Cultural Affairs of Schleswig Holstein.

Additionally, the Scientific Advisory Council counsels and supports the Institute and especially the Presidential Department.

For more info about the Institute´s structure please refer to the organizational chart.

The Kiel Institute is a member of the Leibniz Association.

Board of Directors

Birgit Austen
Executive Administrative Director


Isabell Bernstein, +49 431 8814-324

Personal assistent:
Kathrin Kupke, +49 431 8814-236

Mathias Rauck, +49 431 8814-411

In-house lawyer:
Angelika Eisenträger, +49 (431) 8814-578

Oxana Rolsing, +49 (431) 8814-580

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy is a legally responsible foundation under public law of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. The Board of Governors advises and decides on financial and fundamental matters concerning the Kiel Institute. It supervises the legality und and economic efficiency of its executive management. Every two years, the Board of Governors reports to the supervising authority, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Science and Equality of Schleswig-Holstein, on the activities of the foundation and its institutions. Members of the Board of Governors exercise their office in an honorary capacity.

The Board of Governors has currently the following members:

Voting members

  1. Guido Wendt, State Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Culture of Schleswig Holstein (head of Board of Governors)
  2. Sönke Steffen, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Employment, Technology and Tourism of Schleswig-Holstein
  3. Dr. Stefan Profit, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  4. Klaus Brandenburg, Federal Ministry of Finance
  5. Prof. Dr. Catherine Cleophas, Vizepräsidentin CAU
  6. Prof. Dr. Carsten Schultz, Institute for Innovation Research at the Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU), Kiel, and Decan of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, CAU
  7. Dr. Wolfgang Rohe, Director Stiftung Mercator GmbH, representing private foundations
  8. Dr. Jeannette zu Fürstenberg, Managing Director bei General Catalyst, als Vertreterin eines Unternehmens aus der Privatwirtschaft

Advisory members

  1. Prof. Dr. Klaus Tochtermann, Director of the Foundation „Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft (ZBW)“
  2. Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller,  Co-head of the Scientific Advisory Council, University of Tübingen
  3. Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Gern, head of the Employee Council, Kiel Institute
  4. Sandra Martini, member of the Employee Council, Kiel Institute
  5. Sylvia Künne, Ombudsperson for Equal Treatment, Kiel Institute
  6. Prof. Dr. Moritz Schularick, President, Executive Scientific Director
  7. Birgit Austen, Executive Administrative Director, Kiel Institute

The Scientific Advisory Board provides advice in scientific and economic issues to the Board of Governors and the Presidential Department.


  • Prof. Isabelle Méjean, PhD, Head (Sciences Po)
  • Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller, Co-Head (University of Tübingen)
  • Prof. Laura Alfaro, PhD (Harvard Business School)
  • Prof. Dr. Kai Carstensen (Kiel University)
  • Prof. Meredith Crowley, PhD (University of Cambridge)
  • Prof. Dr. Hartmut Egger (University of Bayreuth)
  • Prof. Yuriy Gorodnichenko, PhD (UC Berkeley)
  • Dr. Adam Posen (President Peterson Institute)
  • Prof. Carmen Reinhart, PhD (Harvard Kennedy School)
  • Prof. Farid Toubal, PhD (Université Paris-Dauphine – PSL)
  • Prof. Dr. Beatrice Weder di Mauro (President CEPR)
  • Prof. Benjamin Moll, PhD (London School of Economics)

Prof. Dr. Lena Dräger
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kooths
Prof. Dr. Moritz Schularick

International Finance
Prof. Sebastian Horn, Ph.D
Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch

Prof. Dr. Dirk Dohse
Prof. Holger Görg, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Julian Hinz

International Development
Prof. Dr. Tobias Heidland

Global Transformation
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Rickels
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Schmidt

Kiel Institute Africa Initiative
Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiele

Kiel Institute China Initiative
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs

Geopolitics and Economics
Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch

Kiel Centre for Globalization
Prof. Holger Görg, Ph.D.

Communications and Outreach

Mathias Rauck

Elisabeth Radke

Research Coordination and Development
Prof. Dr. Sonja Peterson

In case of need you can contact our data protection office via

or postal via

Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft,
Kiellinie 66
24105 Kiel

Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Gern (Chair)
Anne-Katrin Hennings (Deputy Chair)


The Employee Council also acts as Ombudsman for the Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz(General Law on Equal Treatment). 

Ombuds person for disabled persons:
Sabine Baethe,

Research Grants
Michael Doberschütz, +49 431 8814-675

Stefan Rieber, +49 431 8814-554

Central Services
Korinna Werner-Schwarz, +49 431 8814-226
Sandra Martini, +49 431 8814-265

Human Resources
Sabine Melchert, +49 431 8814-267

Financial Management
Michael Doberschütz, +49 431 8814-675

Procurement and Real Estate Management
Guido Bartsch, +49 431 8814-504

Open Access Policy of the Kiel Institute

As a member of the Leibniz Association, the Kiel Institute is committed to the principle of Open Access and supports the demand for unrestricted and free access to quality-checked results of publicly funded research.

Open Access Policy of the Kiel Institute

The Kiel Institute is a member of the Leibniz Association.