Kiel-CEPR Conference

Monetary Policy After the Inflation Surge - What Have We Learned?

12 - 13 Mar 2025
10117 Berlin
Gesamtverband der Versicherer (GDV), Leipziger Straße 121

As the inflation surge continues to recede, new challenges for monetary policy are already on the horizon. The ECB is facing weak economic activity in Europe and across the Atlantic, the Federal Reserve must address strong domestic demand and get ready for radical changes in the US economic policy under the incoming Trump administration. All the while, central bankers must navigate high geopolitical risk. It is a critical moment in time to reflect and recalibrate monetary policy. Therefore, the Kiel Institute and CEPR are jointly organizing a conference on “Monetary Policy After the Inflation Surge – What Have We Learned?” in Berlin on March 12-13, 2025 to present and discuss the latest top-tier economic research in monetary macroeconomics.

Keynote Speakers:

Olivier Coibion (University of Texas at Austin)

Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé (Columbia University)

Policy panel with:

Kristin Forbes (Professor, Global Economics and Management,  
MIT Sloan School of Management)

Fritzi Köhler-Geib (Member of the Executive Board, Bundesbank)

Olli Rehn (Governor, Bank of Finland)

Moderator:Martin Sandbu (Financial Times)


Conference Program (as of March 05).

The conference will be the kick-off event of the newly established Research Group Monetary Macroeconomics at the Kiel Institute, headed by Lena Dräger (Kiel Institute & Leibniz University Hannover). 

We are grateful for the support of the German Insurance Association GDV.
