Global China Conversations #8
EU-China Trade Conflicts and the Case of Lithuania: What is the role of the WTO?
China's trade sanctions against Lithuania have caused quite a stir. The EU has reacted to what it sees as "discriminatory trade practices" by initiating proceedings against the People's Republic before the World Trade Organization (WTO). This shows how seriously the Europeans take the conflict. The dispute raises fundamental questions: Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of the global trade order? Is the world breaking up (again) into competing economic blocs? Or can the rules-based system of world trade even emerge stronger from the controversy? We want to discuss these and other questions with our speakers in our eighth Global China Conversation.
The event consists of different impulse lectures followed by a discussion.
The Global China Conversation #8 will be held in German.
Summary GCC #8
The impulse lectures refer to the following publication:
Matthes, Jürgen und Fritsch, Manuel, Auswirkungen der Sanktionen Chinas gegen Litauen auf die EU

Prof. Dr. Christian Hederer, LL.M.
Christian Hederer is a Professor of Economics, particularly International Economic Policy, at the Technical University of Wildau. Before taking up his professorship, he worked for 12 years at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and the Permanent Mission of Austria to the OECD in Paris, most recently with a focus on international trade and investment. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Witten/Herdecke and an LL.M. degree in International Trade and Investment Law from the University of Ottawa.

Jürgen Matthes
Jürgen Matthes is head of the Research Unit International Economic Order and Business Cycle of the German Economic Institute, Cologne. He studied economics at the Technical University of Dortmund and Dublin City University. His research focuses on the economic aspects of globalization.