Excellence Awards in Global Economic Affairs 2024
Four young outstanding economists received the 2024 Excellence Awards in Global Economic Affairs from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. They join a unique international community of young talented economics researchers that started in 2007 at the initiative of the Kiel Institute.

The Excellence Award winners for 2024 are:
Adrien Bilal (Stanford University & CEPR) for his excellent research in the fields of Spatial Economics and Climate Change. Bilal´s outstanding contribution to dynamic spatial models contributed to highlight and model how global temperature fluctuations have a very large cost related to extreme weather events (like heat waves, very heavy rainfall or very strong winds) that local temperature fluctuations do not account for.
Diana Van Patten (Yale University) for her outstanding research in International Trade and Development. One of her major contributions has been to show using historical long-term data that foreign multinationals can be a catalyst for local economic development by providing missing local amenities.
Emil Verner (MIT) for his significant contributions to the field of Macro-finance and International Economics. Verners´ s outstanding research contributed to a better understanding of past recessions and crises to help prevent future economic crises.
Christian Wolf (MIT) for his influential research on Macroeconomics and on Inequality. Wolf´s significant contribution on identification in Macroeconomics has not only been widely adopted but he also provided pathbreaking insights on monetary transmission mechanisms and fiscal policy.
Each of the four winners will be awarded a Research Fellowship at the Kiel Institute funded through separate scholarship programs (Otto Group Fellowship, Porsche Fellowship, Theodor Wille and Heinrich-Diederichsen `fair trade´ fellowship, and Sauer Compressors fellowship). As Research Fellows, the talented young researchers receive their Excellence Award at a premier event in Berlin, take advantage of a fully funded trip to the Kiel Institute to present their innovative research and get active support to promote the diffusion of their outstanding contributions. The Excellence Awards are open to researchers and academics up to 37 years.
The award ceremony will be held on Friday, Oct. 18, 2024 in Berlin. It is embedded in the 3rd Kiel-CEPR Conference on Geoeconomics, organized by the Kiel Institute and CEPR. It is hosted and supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action and will bring together the world's leading scholars and policymakers working at the intersection of geopolitics and international economics.