KCG Lunch-time Seminar

Touristification and incumbent residents: evidence from personal income tax records — João Pereira dos Santos

16 Jun 2023

24105 Kiel
Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiellinie 66


João Pereira dos Santos (University of Lisvon)


Touristification is a polarizing process associated with both opportunities and costs. We estimate the effect of a touristification boom for the incumbent residents in the most affected areas of Lisbon, Portugal. We rely on household-level data from personal income tax records between 2016 and 2019 to assess the effects of this shock on several types of income and on the decision to relocate. Using different instrumental variables strategies, we find consistently significant negative effects on displacement and a substantial heterogeneity on income effects. Finally, we also analyze in-migration effects.


Online and in Conference Room (A-S25) (limited capacity) at the Kiel Institute

If interested, please send an Email to kcg-office@ifw-kiel.de to receive the access link to the seminar.