Research Group
Global Commons and Climate Policy

The Climate Policy and Global Commons research group is dedicated to exploring policies and approaches consistent with the ambitious temperature targets set out in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, and to exploring the interconnected, open-access systems and resources that transcend national boundaries and governance. The research group uses integrated assessment models, computable general equilibrium models, panel estimation, and surveys to study climate impacts and policies, in particular carbon pricing, emissions trading, and other market-based mechanisms to incentivize low-carbon technologies and behaviors.
We study the economic feasibility, impacts, and acceptability of carbon and solar geoengineering interventions, considering their potential risks, benefits, and prospects for globally non-coordinated climate policies. In addition, the research group applies bio-economic models and the inclusive wealth approach to derive solutions for natural resource management and valuation.
We assess progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on the SDGs related to climate, oceans, and biodiversity. These issues are also addressed from a geopolitical perspective, as in open access regimes across national jurisdictional boundaries, understanding geopolitical goals is essential for dynamic resource management.