Kiel Institute
History of Business Cycle Research
Heads and milestones
since 2014 Stefan Kooths
The Forecasting Center and the Research Area "Macroeconomic Policy under Market Imperfections” are merged into the new Research Center “Business Cycles and Growth”
The Economic Policy Center becomes part of the Forecasting Center
The Kiel Institute returns to the Joint Forecast working group
since 2014
Business cycle reports (World Economy, Euro Area, Germany) published as „Kieler Konjunkturberichte“

1998-2014 Joachim Scheide
The consortium of Kiel Institute and ZEW (established in 2010) leaves the Joint Forecast working group
since 2011
Semi-annual medium term projections (spring and autumn) for the German economy (until 2014 in cooperation with ZEW)
since 2006
„Die Weltwirtschaft“ is disontinued, business cycle reports (World Economy, Euro Area, Germany) published as „Kieler Diskussionsbeiträge“
since 2005
Forecasting Center
since 1998 Semi-annual reports (spring autumn) for the Euro Area
Foundation of the European Forecasting Research Association for the Macro-Economy (EUROFRAME)

1985-1997 Klaus-Werner Schatz
First integrated forecast for the German economy after reunification
since 1992
Quarterly business cycle reports for the World Economy and Germany
Research Department V („Business Cycles“) with research groups on „Basic Business Cycle Research“, „German Economy“, „International Business Cycles“, and „Fiscal Policy“

1975-1985 Norbert Walter
Research Department V („Business Cycles and World Economy“) with research groups on „Basic Business Cycle Research“, „Western German Economy“, and „International Business Cycles"
Research Department II („Business Cycles and World Economy“), research group „Business Cycles“
1972-1974 „Konjunktur der Welt“

1970-1974 Klaus-Dieter Schmidt („Western German Economy“)
since 1970
Kieler Konjunkturgespräche
since 1970
„Die Weltwirtschaft“ with additional studies on economic policy

1970-1972 Hubertus Müller-Groeling („World Economy“)
Research Department II („Business Cycles and World Economy“) with research groups on „Western German Economy“ and „World Economy“

1966-1969 Martin Hoffmeyer
since 1968
Reports on the Western German economy with systematic forecasts for the following year (two-year horizon)

1949-1966 Werner Gatz
Joint Forecasts switch from Summer/Winter rhythm to Spring/Autumn
since 1962
Regular business cycle analysis for the Western German economy, „International Environment“ replaces „Global Overview“
Foundation of the Association d’Instituts Européens de Conjoncture Économique (AIECE)
The Federal Ministry of Finance establishes the Working Party on Tax Revenue Estimates that since then the Kiel Institute collaborates on (bi-annual meetings in May and November)
Industry reports and special topics complement business cycle reportssince
Joint reports of the ARGE business cycle research institutes on the „Economic situation of the Western German economy and the world economy“ in the summer and winter term (since 1951: „Joint Forecast“) initiated by Fritz Baade (Kiel Institute) and Ferdinand Friedensburg (DIW Berlin) [first edition]
since 1950
Semi-annual reports on the economic situation: Global overview, country reports and market reports (published as „Die Weltwirtschaft“) [first edition]
Foundation of the working group of German economic research institutes (ARGE-Institutes), co-headed by Fritz Baade (Kiel Institute) and Ferdinand Friedensburg (DIW Berlin)
Foundation of the working group of German economic research institutes (ARGE-Institutes), co-headed by Fritz Baade (Kiel Institute) and Ferdinand Friedensburg (DIW Berlin)
Research organized along country, market, and industry studies

1930-1933 Gerhard Colm

1926-1930 Adolf Löwe
Abteilung für Statistische Weltwirtschaftskunde und Internationale Konjunkturforschung (Astwik)

- Die Weltwirtschaft (consecutive volumes 1950 to 2005).
- Beckmann, Ulf (2000): Von Löwe bis Leontief – Pioniere der Konjunkturforschung am Kieler Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Marburg.
- Czycholl, Harald (2014): 100 Jahre Institut für Weltwirtschaft – Vom königlichen Institut zum globalen Forschungszentrum, Kiel/Hamburg.
- Hagemann, Harald (2008): Weltklasse für sieben Jahre – Die Konjunkturabteilung des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft 1926-1933, Christiana Albertina, Heft 67, 52-69.
- Zottmann, Anton (1964): Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel 1914 – 1964, manuscript, Kiel.