ViWA - Virtual Water Values
Start of Project: 01.05.2017 — End of Project: 30.04.2020

The ViWA project is a water research network to support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The ViWA research theme finds itself in the center of the water-food-energy nexus. Its nature is at the same time local and global. It therefore calls for a transdisciplinary research approach, which integrates methodologies and knowledge from different science disciplines, new global data sources, new global modeling approaches and the expertise of stakeholders from international administrative entities and companies, which share the same local and at the same time global view in the issue.
ViWA aims at developing and using a global, high-spatial and -temporal resolution, remote sensing based management and monitoring system for the efficiency and sustainability of water use in agriculture and competing sectors.
Project leader: Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
The Dynamic Applied Regional Trade (DART) Model
The model version "DART-WATER" is currently being developed in the ViWA project.