Ukraine Support Tracker: Newly committed aid for Ukraine drops to almost zero
The newest update of the Ukraine Support Tracker (July 2 to August 3) data shows that, in July, Ukraine received only around 1,5 billion euros in new pledges of support. This is a drastic decline compared to April or May. Moreover, most of the new commitments came from one country, Norway, which pledged financial assistance of 1 billion euros. In total, the tracker now records commitments of 84.2 billion euros.
“In July, donor countries initiated almost no new aid, but they did deliver some of the already committed support such as weapon systems,” says Christoph Trebesch, research center director at Kiel Institute and head of the team that compiles the Ukraine Support Tracker. Germany, for example, has not announced any further military support, although it did send considerably military aid committed earlier. “Both the financial and the military support has fallen further behind what Ukraine needs. It also remains small in relation to what some donors are mobilizing in their own countries for crisis response,” Trebesch says.

Over the past 6 months, the United States, the European Commission, and the United Kingdom have been the most reliable supporters of Ukraine. The US has passed major support packages in March and June, with regular drawdowns since then. United Kingdom comes second in the country ranking of total aid, with twice the amount of commitments as Germany, which is on the same level as Canada and Poland. It is remarkable how regular the aid from Anglo-Saxon countries has been. “The EU Commission is pushing for larger and more regular aid packages to Ukraine. However, there is recurring delay in the implementation of these initiatives at the member country level. For a country in a war situation, however, both the size and the predictability of external aid are crucial,” says Trebesch. Major EU countries such as France, Spain, or Italy have so far provided very little support or remain very opaque about their aid.
About the Ukraine Support Tracker
The Ukraine Support Tracker lists and quantifies military, financial and humanitarian aid pledged to Ukraine since January 24, 2022 (currently through August 3, 2022). It covers 40 countries, specifically the EU member states, other members of the G7, as well as Australia, South Korea, Turkey, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, China, Taiwan, and India. Also, EU institutions are included as a separate donor. The tracker lists government-to-government commitments; private donations or those from international organizations such as the IMF are not included in the main database. Flows going into other countries like, for example, Moldova, are not included.
With regard to sources, the database combines official government sources with information from international media. Aid provided in kind, such as medical supplies, food, or military equipment, is quantified on the basis of market prices or information from previous crises involving government aid. In case of doubt, upper bounds of prices are used.
The Ukraine Support Tracker is constantly being expanded, corrected, and improved. Suggestions are very welcome and can be sent to
More information and detailed data can be found on this webpage: Ukraine Support Tracker