Global Economy Prize 2022 Awarded

Honored as pioneers of a cosmopolitan, economically liberal, and public-spirited society and for their services to an efficient location policy:
- Dr. Dalia Grybauskaitė, Former President of the Republic of Lithuania; Category: Politics.
- Hans-Julius Ahlmann, Managing Partner of the ACO Group; Category: Business.
- Prof. Ufuk Akcigit Ph.D., University of Chicago; Category: Economics.
Monika Heinold, Deputy Minister President of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel's Lord Mayor Dr. Ulf Kämpfer, Knud Hansen, Vice President of the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Prof. Stefan Kooths, Vice President of the Kiel Institute, welcomed the 200 guests.
In his speech and laudatory remarks, Kooths emphasized the award winners' services to an efficient location policy.
He praised Dalia Grybauskaitė as the "Iron Lady of the Baltics." "Noble titles are usually inherited, while the title of "Iron Lady" has to be earned," Kooths said. Grybauskaitė, he said, was tenacious, persistent, assertive, and willing to engage in conflict. "You followed your conviction that self-imposed rules must be respected so that trust in institutions is not lost. You are an excellent budget politician, a resolute crisis manager, a responsible and far-sighted president, and a committed European."
About Ufuk Akcigit, Kooths said, "You are driven by a desire to reduce income differences between countries and to answer the question of why some countries grow faster than others in the first place. In your research, you have shown that innovativeness is closely linked to social mobility and firm growth. Akcigit has revolutionized macroeconomic research and will certainly continue to shape it like no other in the years to come," he said.
Turning to Hans-Julius Ahlmann, Kooths said, "Your goal was to strengthen corporate growth through internationalization and diversification, and you set a tremendous pace." He added that not only the company ACO is a hidden champion. "Because of your down-to-earthness and your humility, you yourself are also a hidden champion," he said. "Today, the ACO Group employs 5,200 people in 47 countries—a great success story that reflects your entrepreneurial spirit, innovative strength and entrepreneurial courage."
The Global Economy Prize is an initiative of the Kiel Institute and is awarded since 2005 annually in close cooperation with the state capital Kiel and the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The non-endowed prize is intended to provide an impetus for overcoming the major global economic challenges through creative problem-solving. The prize is awarded to one personality each from science, politics and business. The prizewinners are outstanding personalities who have made an outstanding contribution to establishing a just and protective society based on individual initiative and responsibility.
More quotes:
Dr. Dalia Grybauskaitė, former President of the Republic of Lithuania and former European Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget; Category: Politics:
“Today we are facing challenge after challenge: inflation, post pandemic debt, possible recession, and the war in Europe. Situation requests leaders capable to take responsibility and make necessary decisions. But unfortunately, we are still searching for such leadership. While time is not on our side”.
Prof. Ufuk Akcigit, Ph.D., University of Chicago; Category: Economics:
"I am truly honored to receive this year’s global economy prize in economics. As someone born about 3 hours south of here, in Braunschweig, this award means even more to me. I’d like to thank the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, one of the most special research institutes in the world with its more than a century-old history, research tradition, and contributions to the field of economics."
Hans-Julius Ahlmann, Managing Partner of the ACO Group; Category: Business:
"I would like to express my sincere thanks for the Global Economy Prize, my first ever business award, and from the top academic institution in my home country at that. This year, you have chosen an entrepreneur as the prize winner who has been able to take advantage of the great opportunities of an era, the opportunities of globalization over the past 40 years. We will continue to do our utmost to carry Schleswig-Holstein's economic efficiency and quality of life out into the world."
Monika Heinold, Minister of Finance and Deputy Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein:
"The Global Economy Prize brings great personalities to Schleswig-Holstein and is internationally recognized. Its awarding has become an integral part of Kiel Week, which thus also receives a lot of attention in the economic and financial world. For this, my thanks go to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry and our state capital. On behalf of the state government, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to this year's award winners. They have more than earned this award!"
Dr. Ulf Kämpfer, Lord Mayor of the State Capital Kiel:
"I am delighted that this year we can once again celebrate a Kiel Week in all its diversity. In addition to sporting and cultural highlights, this always includes the socio-political aspect. The awarding of the Global Economy Prize has for many years occupied a prominent place in the program and contributes to the international reputation of our festival week. I would like to thank the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, which creates an important platform for dialogue between business, politics and society with the award ceremony. This year's laureates add three high-profile names to the list of honorees."
Knud Hansen, President IHK Kiel and Vice President IHK Schleswig-Holstein:
"The task now must be to return the role of the state as quickly as possible and, above all, permanently to a level "before Corona"—at the very least. My appeal is: formulate realistic targets and criteria for meeting them, as well as reliable and comprehensible rules of the game—and give companies as much leeway as possible to implement them."
More information about the Global Economy Prize and this year's winners.
A group photo will also be available for download there later today.