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Kiel Institute Expands Research into European Asylum and Migration Policy with Support from Stiftung Mercator

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy is significantly expanding its research into European asylum and migration policy. It is currently establishing a three-year research and consulta­tion project, which will receive EUR 3 million in funding from the Stiftung Mercator foundation. The aim of the project—the Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM)—is to identify and close the gaps in existing research and to develop specific recommendations for policy makers. “A key element of MEDAM is to have regular dialogue with decision makers so we can align our work as closely as possible with the real-world situation,” said project head Matthias Lücke, Senior Researcher in Poverty Reduction, Equity, and Development at the Kiel Institute. The Kiel Institute will lead the project and be joined by two research partners: the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels and the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute in Florence.

“The refugee crisis will remain a defining issue in Europe for some considerable time. The solution to this problem will have a bearing on the future cohesion of Europe and its ability to respond to challenges. Through this grant, Stiftung Mercator is seeking to promote a more objective debate and create a scientific basis for decision making,” said Wolfgang Rohe, Executive Director of Stiftung Mercator.

The Kiel Institute is already heavily involved with issues of integration and migration through several of its research areas. The President of the Kiel Institute, Dennis Snower, stressed the importance of further research on Europe’s asylum and immigration policy: “MEDAM is a fantastic opportunity from both a scientific and social point of view. Direct dialogue with policy makers, collaboration with major European think tanks, and the scale of the project budget will enable us to deepen our understanding of asylum and migration issues. We can then use that understanding to develop sustainable and fair solutions.”

The project is currently in the preparatory and recruitment phase. Thanks to the grant from Stiftung Mercator, a number of new research and support positions will be created at all three participating institutions. The Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration will officially launch in spring 2016.

Further information (in German):