Working Paper

Real Financial Market Exchange Rates and Capital Flows


  • Gelman
  • M.
  • Reitz
  • S.
  • Taylor
  • M.P.
  • Jochem
  • A.
Publication Date

Foreign exchange rates, asset prices and capital movements are expected to be closely related to each other as international capital markets become more and more integrated. This paper provides new empirical evidence from an index of exchange-rate adjusted cross-country asset price ratios, which may be interpreted as a real effective financial exchange rate. The integrated stock-flow approach reveals that a county’s real effective financial exchange rate is co-integrated with international investors’ net foreign holding of its assets. The associated error correction equations have useful interpretations against the backdrop of uncovered return parity and investor portfolio rebalancing behavior.


JEL Classification
F31, G15, E58

Key Words

  • capital flows
  • financial markets
  • Finanzmärkte
  • Kapitalströme
  • real effective exchange rate
  • Realer Wechselkurs