Review of World Economics
Review of World Economics (formerly Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) is a quarterly journal. Under the name Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, it was founded in 1913 as the world's first journal with a focus on international economics. The Review has retained this focus, with particular emphasis on research in trade and trade policies, foreign direct investment, global supply chains, migration, international finance, currency systems and exchange rates, monetary and fiscal policies in open economies. The objective of the Review is to publish contributions of the highest quality and retain its status as one of the leading journals in international economics.
Online Edition
An electronic edition of this journal is available online at
Review of World Economics - Online Edition
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Instructions for authors
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ISSN: 1610-2878
Galina Hale
Holger Görg
Pao-Li Chang
Gerald Willmann
Associate Editors:
Laura Alfaro
Agustín Bénétrix
Pierpaolo Benigno
Paul Bergin
Emily J. Blanchard
Matteo Cacciatore
Robert Gold
David Greenaway
Keith Head
Inga Heiland
Mathias Hoffmann
Udo Kreickemeier
Thierry Mayer
Phillip McCalman
Lindsay Oldenski
Oana Peia
Horst Raff
Pascalis Raimondos
Frank Stähler
Linda Tesar
Nora Traum